Legal Question in Immigration Law in Georgia

My fiance was deported without any deportion letter and I was lefted to raise our two daughters alone!I came to his country so we could married!So I was wondering if we got married could we get his papers started again and how long would it take?

Asked on 9/24/10, 5:05 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Latangie Williams Law Office of Latangie Williams, P.A.

You are able to start the process again but your fiance would have to go through Consular Processing since he is outside of the country. I can not give you an estimate of how long it will take. That would depend on your status (U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident), the processing timeframes for the I130 petition when you file, etc. All I can tell you is that you should start as soon as possible. Give me a call at 1-800-408-5818 or email me at for assistance. I also need to know why your fiance was deported among other things. Take care.

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Answered on 9/29/10, 5:41 pm
Luba Smal Smal Immigration Law Office

I am sorry to hear about this stressful and desperate situation. The previous lawyer had forgotten to mention that your fiance's visa will be denied because of a prior deportation and unlawful presence (I assume, of over a year) in USA. Provided that you are a US citizen (it's not clear from your post), to overcome a denial, it's very likely that he will have to apply for a hardship waiver and a permission to reapply after deportation. Both waivers are very difficult to have approved. If waivers are approved, then a visa will be issued.

It's possible that he already had a deportation order - which may explain why he was deported so soon and without going through the Immigration Court removal process.

If you�d like to schedule a telephone or email legal consultation, need legal advice or help, please let me know and I�d be glad to help you. I am an immigration attorney and offer confidential consultations and legal help in matters of the U.S.A. federal immigration law to clients from all 50 States and internationally. Please email your inquiries at and I�ll send you a Questionnaire. Office Telephone line is 1-402-210-2040 (please EMAIL first to schedule a consultation appointment with an attorney).

Note: The above response is provided for legal information purposes only and should not be considered a legal advice; it doesn�t create an attorney-client relationship. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please visit

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Answered on 9/29/10, 7:31 pm
Michael Cho Law Offices of Michael Cho

It depends on why he was deported and what exactly happened during his stay inside the U.S. before he departed from the US. It appears your fiancee will have to submit waivers and get them approved in order to return to the US based on his relationship to you.

You may found free information on this process here:

A free consultation can be requested here:

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Answered on 9/29/10, 10:55 pm

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