Legal Question in Immigration Law in Georgia

I married a US citizen. We've been married for 2 years. My 2 years temporary green card experied, and I'm in the process to get the 10 years one. However, I do not have it yet. My marriage has been bad and I found out that my husband is cheating on me. I don't want to be with him anymore, so should I wait to get the green card before ask for the divorce? Can I get divorce before being a citizen? I'm finishing school that is why I cannot go back to my country. Please Help me.

Asked on 10/08/10, 12:02 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Luba Smal Smal Immigration Law Office

Your petition to remove conditions MUST be filed timely. Which means that if you are not divorced yet and it's time to file (90 days before card's expiration) - you must file your petition. Otherwise, your conditional resident status will be revoked automatically and you will be referred to Immigration Court for removal. At this point, the USCIS doesn't know about your husband not being a good husband. All they care at this time is that you submit your application on time with sufficient documentation of a bona fide marriage, living together, etc.

If you�d like to schedule a telephone or email legal consultation, need legal advice or help, please let me know and I�d be glad to help you. I am an immigration attorney and offer confidential consultations and legal help in matters of the U.S.A. federal immigration law to clients from all 50 States and internationally. Please email your inquiries at and I�ll send you a Questionnaire. Office Telephone line is 1-402-210-2040 (please EMAIL first to schedule a consultation appointment with an attorney).

Note: The above response is provided for legal information purposes only and should not be considered a legal advice; it doesn�t create an attorney-client relationship. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please visit

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Answered on 10/13/10, 12:22 pm
Latangie Williams Law Office of Latangie Williams, P.A.

Please give me a call at 1-800-408-5818 or email me at to discuss your options.

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Answered on 10/13/10, 12:33 pm

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