Legal Question in Criminal Law in Illinois


About 3 days ago. The local task force entered our home. They should us the search warrant. Two of my uncles were here that day along with my boyfriend so was my mother my father and my two sisters. The task force came down stairs where my uncles and i were on the computer. We heard a big yell odering us to get down on the ground and then we were hand cuffed. They were looking fo my brother because they said that they had evidence that my brother sold cocaine to a police officer. My brother was not home at the time. during the search they foud 2 safe boxes that belonged only to my uncles. and they took them the task force also took money that was in my boyfriends uncles and my mothers pocket. The next day my brother came home and we informed him what was going on. He then went down to the police station at talked to the task force. They told him that they conducted the search because that they were told that my brother was going to be recieving a big shipment of cocaine. My brother said he didn't know what they were talking about. My question is that what can we do about this...

Asked on 3/05/07, 6:01 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Zedrick Braden III Ainsworth & Associates PC


Hello. This is a very serious matter.

A few years ago I had a similar case in which I represented a family in Chicago. The family had been a victim of an unlawful search and seizure. From your posting it sounds as if you have a case of unlawful search and seizure. I am horrified at what you and your family went through. You should consider filing a lawsuit. Of course there are more facts that I am sure you can provide, but at first glance it appears as if you have been damaged. I imagine you and family members probably have a claim for emotional distress. I hope my comments have been helpful. Will be happy to discuss this further and in more detail.

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Answered on 3/05/07, 9:07 pm

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