Legal Question in Criminal Law in Illinois

Retracting Statements

He is charged with Aggravated Vehicular Assault. The Victim/Witness wanted to drop the case. She now says that it wasn't him, but he already made a statement confessing to the crime and there is some evidence against him. He says that he was coersed by the police to make the statement. How can he retract his statment?

Asked on 3/24/07, 2:01 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: Retracting Statements

IF he gets good criminal counsel, and IF counsel can provide facts and legal argument to the court sufficient to convince the court that the confession was coerced, then there is a chance it can be withdrawn. If he thinks he can play lawyer and do this himself, he is making the same fatal mistake he did when confessing -- acting without knowing what he is doing. There are consequences for every act, whether he likes it or not. Feel free to contact me if he wants to do this right, if the case is in SoCal.

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Answered on 3/26/07, 12:46 pm
George Zuganelis Zuganelis & Zuganelis, Attorneys at Law, P.C.

Re: Retracting Statements

Your friend must hire an experienced criminal defense attorney. That attorney will investigate the facts and file the appropriate motions. If your friend need an experienced criminal defense attorney, please call me.

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Answered on 3/24/07, 1:23 pm

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