Legal Question in Family Law in Illinois

Age a child can influence visitation schedule

I have an 8 year old son whose father gave up rights to voluntarily until the age of 3. My son has never lived with his father and has been raised by my current husband. My son does not wish to visit his father, and when he does, always returns very ill due to irresponsibility of my ex-husband not administering his asthma medicine ignoring my son's fatal food allergies. He has been hospitalized d4 times after a visit with ''dad''. What age can I hire a lawyer for my son to severe visitation legally?

Asked on 1/18/05, 3:04 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Zedrick Braden III Ainsworth & Associates PC

Re: Age a child can influence visitation schedule

Hello. Now is the time, but this process is

done by the courts. In Cook County for instance,

the Domestic Relations Division has certified

GAL(s) (Guardian ad litems, or child representatives) that the court appoints from an

approved list. The court will set the retainer

fee that each party has to pay (1/2 payment by

each party). You should get on this right away,

especially if your son's health is at risk. I

will be happy to answer any additional questions

that you might have.

Read more
Answered on 1/19/05, 12:35 am

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