Legal Question in Family Law in Illinois

Back in 2009 a court date was set for child support, to our understanding if neither ofor us showed it would be stricken (at time we were still together) they granted her child support with no appearance. She called and had it stopped. Now we are separate and she is married( we never married) she filed to have it reinstated. There has still been no court appearance by either of us and she is denying me the right to see my child. She was granted the child support and at the same amount that the court decided back in 2009 (again without either parent present). I would like to go for 50/50 custody and would also like to know my options for getting the child support straightened out. I have no problem paying it but would like to be able to at least see my daughter

Asked on 5/25/16, 9:29 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jonathan Shimberg Shimberg and Crohn, P.C.

You give no dates when the post 2009 things happened. You can not waltz into court and ask to straighten things out. There are time limits in seeking that type of relief. That presumes that you received proper notice of her reinstatement of the matter. If you did not there may be an argument that the order is void. Any absent you been a molester or abuser, you should be entitled to see your child....

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Answered on 5/25/16, 11:48 am

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