Legal Question in Family Law in Illinois
the judge has asked for 15 years of past ssa statements to award back child support in my case. I am upset because it will take over 4 months to get these in the mail. You can go down and get a earning summary print out from the ssa office I am wondering if that would be ok for the judge it will have his earnings for the last 15 years layed out per year. But he collects a 1099 so will the amount on the ssa statement even be correct since he is an indepent contractor? can i go before the judge and ask him if this paper will be ok..
Asked on 8/07/11, 6:10 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
John Steele
Steele Law Firm
You will need to get the information that the Judge asked for. If you've waited 15 years to collect child support from this person, what's another 4 months to make sure it's done right?
Answered on 8/12/11, 2:16 pm