Legal Question in Insurance Law in Illinois


My sons life insurance was changed from my name to an ex wifes in 1994. After his divorce in 1995 He changed the benificiary of his life insurance policies as well as his retirement death benifits back into my name. There was a policy that he took out in 1989 when he started on his job and in 1990 he took out another policy thru the same company. Somewhere alonmg the lines the original company sold out part of its insurance to another company and the original company was not aware of the change of benificiary form signed in 1995. I believe that the information they shared with the company that bought out the other policy thru their company was what they had on file. When my son died I was told that the original insurance still had his ex wifes name on it. They were really surprised when I came up with a goldenrod copy of the change of benificiary and feel that when he signed the change of benificiary with the original companys name on it he thought he was signing all that pertained to that company, since all changes were made at the same time on the same date. I was told I have the right to challenge for the estate. Is this true and what are my chances? He was only married to this girl for a little over a yr. over 10 yrs ago.

Asked on 6/19/04, 12:04 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Kenneth J. Ashman Ashman Law Offices, LLC

Re: Benificiary

Sounds like you may have a legitimate claim. How much is at stake?

-- Kenneth J. Ashman;

The information provided by Ashman Law Offices, LLC (�ALO�) is for general educational purposes only. No attorney-client relationship is established by this communication and no privilege attaches to such communication. ALO is not taking and will not take any action on your behalf and will not be considered your attorney until both you and ALO have signed a written retention agreement. There are strict deadlines, called statutes of limitation, within which claims or lawsuits must be filed. Therefore, if you desire the services of an attorney and decide not to retain ALO on terms acceptable to ALO, you should immediately seek the services of another attorney.

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Answered on 7/01/04, 2:04 pm

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