Legal Question in Personal Injury in Illinois

While walking in the street one morning, I stepped on a sewer grate that was cracked in three places. My right leg fell thru and was held in place by the two pcs. of grateing. Not until I could position myself to sit up in the street, my leg still being held by this bear trap, could I pick up the smaller pc., to free my badly scratched up lower leg, and have permanent scaring. For the next 4/5 weeks I was very concerned if the flesh eating bacteria would infect me, but that didn't happen, by the very nature of the stuff that runs over and through the sewer grate. I receivrd med. aid from the village ambulance, have the report. What type of case do I have against the town ( for poor mtce. and the grate manufacturer?

Asked on 4/13/10, 4:45 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

You would have to be more specific regarding the nature of the permanent scarring and whether you have obtained other medical care. Cases against municipalities are not easy and unless you have significant injuries, I doubt that you will be able to find an attorney to handle your matter.

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Answered on 4/18/10, 6:08 pm
John Wunsch Law Offices John C. Wunsch, P.C.

Dear Sirs,

We have handled such cases in the past and can advise you as to how to proceed, but please call soon since there are shortened statutes of limitations against cities.

Many thanks, (312 ) 977--9900


John C. Wunsch

Law Offices


[email protected]

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Answered on 4/19/10, 8:58 am

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