Legal Question in Workers Comp in Illinois
My husband was disabled due to a work related injury, he was placed on light duty by the company Dr. appro. a month later his supervisor asked him if he had a good lawyer and he was let go. Well he does have a good lawyer, but my question is how long does it take to settle a workman's comp./insurance company /employer take? Our lawyer is a highly regarded specialist in workman's comp cases but in the meantime his unemployment has run out, he's been denied for social security, and we have only one income.
1 Answer from Attorneys
I am sorry to hear that.
Becasue each Workmans Comp case is different, it could take years to resolve.
You may look into companies that loan money up front and then take the portiion out of your settlement.
Be weary though, many of these companies charge 40-60% interest.
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