Legal Question in Health Care Law in India
Problem at the time of having sex
I am 25 years old. I ham having a streange problem since 3-4 months. Whenever my husbend tries to suck my nipple, white saulty water is coming out from my nipple during sex. This is placing a problem in our sex course. We don't know why this is happening. Please help me regarding this.
3 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Problem at the time of having sex
it should not be a problem as it is normal and happens due to excitement. nature is making you ready for something big.
its absolutely natural but if you have queries then u should meet a doctor.
Re: Problem at the time of having sex
You have come to the wrong site. This is a site for legal issues. However, your question is being answered by the right person. As an ex-professor of medicine, my advice is:
1. Forget about the sex part of it.
2. Consult immediately a good surgeon so that he may rule out the possibility of a breast disease, which may even be cancer. Don't be panicky, but be alarmed and don't waste time.
M C Gupta
Re: Problem at the time of having sex
I fail to understand what is the legal issue involved in it?
Infact this question deserves to be rejected, but some how it has been answerd, by Mr. Mahesh Gupta, so cannot reject it now.
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