Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Massachusetts
Landlord witholding part of security deposit based for cleaning
What would be termed as the
tenant's responsibility. The total
deposit is 600 dollars. We left the
house in an acceptable condition.
All our stuff was moved out, the
rooms were generally clean.
I believe the landlords decision to
withhold part of the deposit rests
on my decision to leave behind the
bed and two dressers. The previous
tenant before me had left them
there. I was using them but
decided not to take them as I didn't
own them.Was it my responsibility
to remove them from the property?
Factors in favour of me keeping my
deposit would be that I put up
blinds in that room and also a
mirror. I did forget to remove the
mirror but feel that would be useful
to a new tenant.
I suspect the landlord had to do
more cleaning than he expected as
his new tenants seem like
extremely fussy people (I've met
them) Thus he's trying to recoup
some money off me.
Another issue I have is that his new
tenants threw out a comcast cable
modem that I left behind. I went
back 5 days after moving out to
collect it but they had already got
rid of it. I've had to pay Comcast 80
dollars for the lost box. Can I hold
the landlord responsible for this?
Thanks for reading!
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Landlord witholding part of security deposit based for cleaning
You cannnot get the $80 from the Landlord. He is not responsible for things you leave after you vacate the permises.
The bed and dressers raise a question, if it was your understanding that they were the landlord's property, then you are not responsible for his cost of disposing of them. If however, he said you can use them, but they are your responsibility, then you should have taken them with you.
If the premises were damaged more than normal wear and tear and the premises were in a dirty state requiring cleaning, eg garbage was left or the floors were clearly dirty, then maybe he can claim something for that.
Good luck.