Legal Question in Business Law in Michigan

Non-Competeing Contract

I'm a fund-raiser broker. I find the fundrasing resources and put them together with organziations trying to raise funds. I get a commission from the fundraising resources. I want to draw up a contract which states. Neither party is allowed to solicit the other without paying my commissions. Is this legal? If this is legal, how much would it cost to have an attorney draw up a contract. Can I draw one up myself.

Asked on 3/29/99, 9:11 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Patrick Tracy Patrick J. Tracy, Esq, P.E.,

Re: Non-Competeing Contract

It is legal in most cases to create a contractual obligation similar to which you state in your question. I do not recommend that you yourself create a contract for this purpose since you could leave out critical information in your draft.

Patrick Tracy

Patrick J. Tracy, Esq, P.E., P.C.

P.O. Box 34576

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Answered on 4/07/99, 2:32 pm

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