Legal Question in Business Law in Michigan

What to Watch for When Starting a Home business

My wife and I are in the process of our in home business. We want to know if their any legal problems to watch for.Our business will be to cordenate weddings, reunions.etc.This will involve hiring caterers.My question to you,Who would be responsible in the event of food poisoning or such problems that may occur? Thank you for your time.

Asked on 7/31/99, 1:47 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Patrick Tracy Patrick J. Tracy, Esq, P.E.,

Re: What to Watch for When Starting a Home business

You need to protect your personal assets. This can be done in several ways. First obtain a general liability insurance policy which is a blanket policy to cover you and your business. This should be for at least 1 million preferably 2. Secondly, you and your wife should incorporate your business. I would recommend a limited liability corporation. See a competent michigan business attorney in your area who can help you with the incorporation.

Good Luck!!!!

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Answered on 8/02/99, 5:08 pm

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