Legal Question in Family Law in Michigan

verbal harrassment

I recently filed for divorce. Spouse and I live in same house. The problem is the verbal assaults made at the end of the day, going on for hours. This includes belittling, threats to sell the car, threats to stop paying home insurance, threats about child custody saying he has nothing to lose if I ask for fair and equitable settlement and physical custody of children.

Asked on 1/27/07, 8:29 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Rochelle Guznack Law Offices of Rochelle E. Guznack, PLLC

Re: verbal harrassment

Since you recently filed for divorce, I must assume you have an attorney. You should be addressing these concerns with your attorney. If you do not have an attorney, you should act immediately to get one to protect your interests.

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Answered on 1/27/07, 8:33 am
William Stern William Stern, P.C.

Re: verbal harrassment

This is very simple to resolve. Take a small tape recorder with a mini-tape. In your husband's presence, announce on the tape recorder that he has to assume that each conversation that occurs between you in the house is being recorded. That way, he cannot claim surprise and file eavesdropping charges. Then, when he starts with you, hold up the recorder. No surprise once again. If he attempts to take it from you, call the police. The potential of being recorded will keep him in line. If he does get out of line, you have your evidence to remove him from the house. William S. Stern

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Answered on 1/27/07, 10:08 am

Re: verbal harrassment

Your lawyer should be able to obtain a court order to enjoin your husband from this conduct.

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Answered on 1/27/07, 2:10 pm

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