Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Michigan
Who can see the will?
Both parents are deceased and supposedly my brother is the executor.
Why is it that I can not see the will?
My brother has copies of the copy and I have contacted the lawyer who made up the will but I'm told I can't have a copy of the will unless my brother provides me with a copy or it's submitted to the court.
Asked on 7/03/08, 4:42 am
1 Answer from Attorneys
Audra Arndt
Audra A. Arndt & Associates, PLLC
Re: Who can see the will?
Since you are an heir of your parents, if there is an estate already opened with the court, file a petition demanding to see a copy of the will. If you need to retain a lawyer to represent your interests, or to otherwise obtain a copy of the will from the other lawyer, please contact me.
Answered on 7/03/08, 8:01 pm