Legal Question in Workers Comp in Michigan
Rephrased Workmans comp issue
I have a herniated disc and was off work for 8 months. I have gone back to work with restrictions that are pretty much almost permanent. I was only offered 16,000 and my attorney said if I didnt accept it that i would lose my case in court. Is this true? He said only 20% win cases that go to trial.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Rephrased Workmans comp issue
You would only be entitled at the present time to the period of time that you were off work as you returned to work, presumably at the same rate of pay. You may have been offered a voluntary pay for that period. If that is the case and it is a voluntary pay for the period that you were off work, and the medical is adequately addressed, you would have nothing to gain by going to trial on the case. William S. Stern