Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Minnesota


What does Minnesota law say about manditory notice of eviction? Is there a mandated amount of time that a landlord has to give as notice before they can evict a tennent? In this case, the tennent unknowingly broke a lease rule by having unauthorized visitors. Those visitors were invited by a roommate while the tennent was away at work. When she arrived home, there were extra people in the house. She left the premisses, after she made the visitors fill out a visitation form. Her landlord called her two days later and gave her 12 hours to evacuate the premisses. Now the landlord expects her to satisfy the remainder of the lease to the tune of $2500. Did they evict her legally? Is one day adequate notice for an eviction?

Asked on 2/09/07, 1:20 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Anderson Anderson Business Law LLC

Re: Landlord/Tennent

For a UD (eviction) a LL musyt have a Summons + Complaint and scephedule Court hearing.

I have 25 yrs experience as a LL and atty in this area.

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Answered on 2/09/07, 1:30 pm

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