Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in New Jersey

parental neglience

my 16 year old son injured another boy in a homeowners isn't covering it so the parents are sueing us for parent neglience. my question is to what extent could be held liable?? Dollar figure?? This boys injury was a partial loss of his one testical.

Asked on 4/26/07, 7:30 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Daniel Cevallos Cevallos & Wong, LLP

Re: parental neglience

You will need to retain defense counsel. There could be some very serious money damages.

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Answered on 4/26/07, 7:58 pm
Jef Henninger, Esq Law Offices of Jef Henninger, Esq.

Re: parental neglience

Wow, you really need to speak to an attorney ASAP. This is very serious. In my opinion, you should treat this like a criminal case even if charges are not pressed, it is just that serious. You need to get a good attorney that will throw everything at this case.

My initial consultations are always free, so call me at 732/247/3340 to discuss this case.

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Answered on 4/26/07, 8:34 pm
Regina Mullen Legal Data Services, PLC

Re: parental neglience

That's pretty serious, because it's reproductive problem in a young person. You need to hire local counsel, --don't fool around trying to solve this with free online advice.

I know thi is becoming an old saw, but try to mediate this case, even if it starts in court. Both kids have been traumatized enough, don't you think?

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Answered on 4/26/07, 11:31 pm

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