Legal Question in Business Law in New York

presale of motovehicles

It is possible to pre sell motovehicles that has not been produced yet for delivery in 2 years time and receive a down payment. The down payment will be used to help produce the car?

Asked on 5/04/06, 8:20 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Norman Nadel Norman Nadel, Esq.

Re: presale of motovehicles


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Answered on 5/04/06, 8:26 am
Robert R. Groezinger GroezingerLaw P.C.

Re: presale of motovehicles

Of course. There should be a written agreement with conditions and remedies in it but this is not at all uncommon for a custom order of almost anything.

Feel free to contact me at the (845)8782163 number for a free phone consult.

Good Luck


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Answered on 5/04/06, 8:57 am

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