Legal Question in Immigration Law in North Carolina
My teenage son has a friend that was brought here at the age of 6 months from mexico. He is now 17 and a junior in high school. Is there any thing that can be done to help the child become legal so that he can go to collage and get a drivers license.
2 Answers from Attorneys
That depends on a number of factors like:
1. How did he enter the country?
2. Does he have any U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident Relatives?;
3. What is his current age?
The list goes on and on. To further discuss the specifics of this matter, please give me a call at 1-800-408-5818 or email me at I assist clients throughout the United States and internationally.
Probably, there is nothing that can be done. He is one of many undocumented youth in the USA, who, unless eligible through a family member, remain in illegal status even though they grew up in our country.
I understand that he was brought to USA illegally (without a visa and passport). If so, he is not eligible for any form of visa, residency permit, etc.
There are limited circumstances under the current immigration law when someone who came to US illegally can become a resident without having to depart the country and go to his native country. Age when a person came to USA doesn't matter under our current laws.
If the DREAM Act will become a law (as a part of the Immigration reform), then he might have a chance to become a resident in the future.
If you�d like to schedule a telephone or email legal consultation, need legal advice or help, please let me know and I�d be glad to help you. I am an immigration attorney and offer confidential consultations and legal help in matters of the U.S.A. federal immigration law to clients from all 50 States and internationally. Please email your inquiries at and I�ll send you a Questionnaire. Office Telephone line is 1-402-210-2040 (please EMAIL first to schedule a consultation appointment with an attorney).
Note: The above response is provided for legal information purposes only and should not be considered a legal advice; it doesn�t create an attorney-client relationship. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please visit