Legal Question in Personal Injury in North Carolina
Compensation for pain and suffering
I was involved in an accident in Feb. of this year. The other person's insurance co. accepted fault. Now they are asking me to let them know what I want for pain and suffering. There were no major injuries although I was cursed out by the other driver and taken to the hospital. What is reasonable and what am I entitled to?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Compensation for pain and suffering
Thank you for your question.
It is difficult to impossible to give value to a case without more information, and we usually need to see supporting documentation also. Factors include the degree of fault, nature and extent of impact, nature and type of medical treatment, prior medical state, total expenses, lost wages, etc.
Please remember that it is very difficult to give full advice on limited information, and by e-mail. As is the case many times under the law, there is not necessarily a clear answer. Cases like this cases be very fact specific and further information may be helpful.
Thank you again, and please feel free to contact us if we can provide further information.
Best Wishes,
David D. Daggett
(I apologize in advance for poor typing skills)
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