Legal Question in Business Law in Ohio

lien on a home

My insurance company approved roof repairs for $7300. My contractor said he would do the repairs for $5900, would bill the $7300 to the insurance company and allow me to keep the rest. I signed a contract for the repairs for $5900. During work my mother became ill, had to urgently use some of the money to take care of family business. Have paid $3000 of the $5900 owed. Roofing company has put alien on my house for $7300. I understand the lien and accept it, however can they make the lien greater than the signed contract? I will pay the rest of the $5900 off at the end of the month, will this then clear the lien? Do I have any rights regarding the amount they put on the lien?

Asked on 1/22/08, 12:16 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: lien on a home

Normally, if you have a signed contract where you have agreed to pay a set amount, then the extent the other party can recover from you is the agreed upon amount. This may vary though depending on the contract and whether it provides for increases in materials or labor costs. In order to see whether that would be the case here, I would suggest having an attorney look over the contract with you.

Probably a bigger concern for you is that what you and the contractor did may be insurance fraud. I would definitely contact an attorney to discuss the possible civil and criminal issues you may be facing.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.

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Answered on 1/23/08, 10:08 pm

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