Legal Question in Business Law in Ohio

Reseller / Distributor Agreement

Our company would like to enter into an agreement with another company to have that companies salespeople sell our product in conjunction with products aleady being offered by them to their existing customer base. We would compensate the company for each sale they generate. We would provide all necessary training and materials. We would like to protect the confidentiality of our system. We do have a patent pending (intellectual property). Would you be able to supply us with an agreement to protect us. The question of errors and ommissions also concerns us, as a company we do carry such insurance, if we entered into an agreement as described above, would they have to have their own e & o insurance?

Thanks for your help

Asked on 2/22/06, 2:55 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

David Weilbacher, Esq. Attorney at Law

Re: Reseller / Distributor Agreement

What you are requesting is too complicated for some type of boilerplate form. Plus, with a pending patent,it sounds as though you have a significant investment to protect. You should really have a consult with an attorney to discuss your particular needs so that contract can be drafted. Please contact me if you would like to schedule a meeting.

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Answered on 2/22/06, 11:28 pm
Joseph Jacobs Jacobs & Lowder

Re: Reseller / Distributor Agreement

You need a contract specifically designed for this relationship, where you decide that they should have the insurance that protects you. This should take a few hours and consultation. I would imagine, I would charge you not more than five hundred dollars. There are many options of clauses that can be inserted which you may not have considered, so you definitely need to find a lawyer. Consider what can be lost and protect it with a good contract.

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Answered on 2/23/06, 2:33 am

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