Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Ohio


Please tell me if this is libel. This is a statement about me/my website/forum. This lady and her moderators have went on and on about me for 4 months publicly on her forum, but I feel this one crosses some lines

This is just a snippet:


All XXXX members should be on alert that their privacy may be violated at any time should you end up on XXXX's ''shit'' list. Even if you fully trust the person you're PMing that she will keep your conversations private, know that the Adminstration of XXXXX can and will read and publish what you've said in private to other members without your consent.


Thank You in advance for any advice, and opinions

Asked on 9/06/07, 8:50 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Libel

The snippet that you have included is not libel. Libel is a defamatory statement that is written. To be defamatory, the statement must be something false said about you.

The statement you included is not false nor specifically about you. That statement merely relates the "privacy" policy of the site. If you do not agree to it (and I know I wouldn't), then you should not use the site.

An example of a defamatory statement would be someone saying that you have molested children when you have never done so.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.

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Answered on 9/06/07, 10:23 am

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