Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Pennsylvania

Savings bonds

At what age do you legally have to give a bond that was purchased for a minor child?

Asked on 4/27/08, 6:35 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Brian Zeiger Levin & Zeiger LLP

Re: Savings bonds

i am not sure of the answer. i have never had anyone ask me that question. usually, bonds for minors have two names on the bond. once both people are over 18 years old, i think that either person can cash in the bond. if someone is holding the bond for the person and their name is NOT on the bond, i think 18 years old is the answer. if the holder's name IS on the bond, I think they own half the bond and can hold it forever unless they are somehow forced to sell it.

for a forced sale, or forcing the person to hand it over to you, you probably want a lawyer. also, there may be a specific rule involving just your question of which i am totally unfamiliar. good luck. feel free to email.

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Answered on 4/27/08, 10:03 pm

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