Legal Question in Criminal Law in Pennsylvania

My boyfriend has been in jail for about a month now. He has 3 open cases and each one has felony burglary. The one case involved a 4 wheeler he was caught on it but did not take it from the home they are trying to say he did. And there is no evidence that he did. The second involves a neighbor who states he burglarized her home. Her story did not colaborate at all with her boyfriends and we have witnesses on our side proving my boyfriend didnt do it. And the third involves what we thought was a friend. My boyfriend was partying with him and "the friend" states that my boyfriend stole his necklaces and wallet. Which was not the case "the friend" allowed him to wear them home and he got them back the next day. The DA is trying to make him plea guilty to all charges and take 20 months in state. My question is should he take the plea with so little evidence against him. Or take his chances with Jury Trial etc..He only has a public defender which does nothing for him and we already changed public defenders once for same reason. He is a level 4 already because of previous convictions

Asked on 9/06/12, 10:59 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Kotik Lawyer Michael Kotik | Criminal Lawyer

Attorney Michael Kotik Esq. response to your questions:

If your boyfriend is innocent, he should not take a deal. He should fight the case. A trial always comes with certain risks. However, as a lawyer I would never want a client to take responsibility for something he/she did not do. If his actions are questionable and some of the things you talked about are in fact things that he did, I would suggest hiring a lawyer to talk to the district attorney and provide them with weaknesses in all 3 cases in an effort to try and get him a better deal.

If you would like more information I can be reached at [email protected]

Lawyer Michael Kotik, Esq. |

MNK@ (Email) | (215) 564-1010 (24 Hour/Office Line) | (267) 265-4553 (Direct Line)

Two Penn Center (Philadelphia)

1500 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 220

Philadelphia, PA 19102


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Answered on 9/07/12, 4:10 am

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