Legal Question in Criminal Law in Pennsylvania

possession of a small amount/disorderly conduct

i was riding in a car that was pull over for speeding,he followed us for a mile before he pull us over.he gave the driver the ticket and went back to his car.then came back to ask to search the vehicle.promission was granted with no complaint.he found only a blunt roach and a cigar tube with stems and seeds in it.he stated in the report when he gave out the tickt he ended the traffic stop.what am i looking at penalty wise?can i get any of it reduced?i cant pay for real lawer and i have a past but for drugs.all a court appionted lawer ha ever done for me is take up space in the court still taking one but i want to hear from a real lawer.

Asked on 12/14/08, 10:34 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Brian Zeiger Levin & Zeiger LLP

Re: possession of a small amount/disorderly conduct

why are you assuming the cigar tube was yours?

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Answered on 12/14/08, 11:21 pm
Charles A. Pascal, Jr. Law Office of Charles A. Pascal, Jr.

Re: possession of a small amount/disorderly conduct

Public defenders and appointed lawyers ARE real lawyers. Even they would tell you that it was less than intelligent to agree to a search of the car. Here's some frer advice. Don't consent to searches.

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Answered on 12/15/08, 12:22 am
Michael Berman Law Offices of Michael A. Berman

Re: possession of a small amount/disorderly conduct

There's an old adage, you get what you paid for....

Think about it, and if you change you mind and what a lawyer OF YOUR CHOICE to go with you, feel free to write back. My fees are very reasonable for pot cases.


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Answered on 12/15/08, 8:06 am

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