Legal Question in Bankruptcy in Tennessee
After almost 8 yrs.I finally have rec.disability. The SS judge deemed me disabled dating back 7 yrs. I owe so many bills now from then.I do not know how to get my govt.'free credit report',but I do know I need to file bankruptcy. One appeal was to the us education, first I was told I could clear the debt because I was disabled.Yesterday I rec.a letter that I do not fall under their term of disabled so I have to pay this back.They will not accept anything less than 50 a mo. My plan d rx coverage only has 167 left, then I will be responsible for the cost of all my meds. (One is 150 per shot @ 6 per month.) I also have other outstanding bills. Out of the 42000 I rec.d $38000 went to back child support that I could not get reduced, even though I have not worked since 1999. Can someone help me with getting my credit report and filing for bankruptcy.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Bankruptcy
yes, you can certainly file for chapter 7 bankruptcy. You can also get some of your fees waived because you are on a fixed income. You must still though pay the attorney. I don't know any attorney who will do it for free but I do know some who have payment plans.
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