Legal Question in Medical Leave in Tennessee
Definition of Employee
I telecommute to our corporate office in the state of TX but my physical office is in our Tennessee facility. I work 2 days from the facility and 3 days from home. Though my department and boss are in TX, would I be eligible for the TN maternity act extending leave to 16 weeks? The facility does employ over 100 employees. I am being told I am not eligible because I am not employed by the facility but by the corporate office that does not employ 100 employees in the state.
Asked on 7/09/08, 4:36 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Definition of Employee
You are working in Tennessee, I would expect that you would be subject to the laws of the State of Tennessee. This would include the maternity leave law.
Answered on 7/09/08, 6:11 pm