Legal Question in Immigration Law in Tennessee

I am on F-1 visa. My girl friend is a US Citizen. We are planing to get married soon. here is my issue, i got a DUI on Oct 25, 2008. my lawyer advised me to plead guilty so the charges will be reduced. On Jan 13, 2008 i was convicted with driving Reckless. since then i have completed my 6 month probation, payed the fines and the Alcohol school( there was nothing else). I was not aware of the immigration consequences when i plead guilty neither my lawyer mentioned it to me. Could you please help me to be aware of the consequences and what to expect when i apply for adjustment of status? what would be the most efficient way to handle this?

Thank you



Asked on 11/03/09, 10:53 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Luba Smal Smal Immigration Law Office

When you are married, you should be able to apply for adjustment of status based on a marriage to a US citizen.

If you�d like to schedule a telephone legal consultation, please let me know, and I�d be glad to advise you: Attorney [@]

Note: The above response is provided for legal information purposes only and should not be considered as legal advice. This response doesn�t create an attorney-client relationship, which can only be established through payment of a fee. If a follow-up advice on your specific situation and regarding U.S.A. immigration-related issues is requested, we can offer a paid consultation by telephone or email to clients from all States and globally. Please visit our website for more details. Our contact email address is Attorney [@]

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Answered on 11/09/09, 12:53 am

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