Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee

Employment law

I have worked for a company for 30 years. Held my current position for about 15 years. Now have been told my job is eliminated, pay cut 20%, title given to a coworker and someone else hired to supervise me. No one in that position before. We now have three people in the jobs that two were doing before, my title has been transfered to someone else, I have taken the only pay cut and I was never counseled in any way about poor job performance. Can I pursue this as a legal matter?

Asked on 11/26/08, 4:04 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Employment law

You may have a viable claim if there is some underlying discriminatory or retaliatory motive influencing the employer's decision.� However, a word of caution, what you have described is either a restructuring or a reduction in force (RIF).� A RIF is one of the most difficult adverse job actions to dispute.� A restructuring is probably the second most difficult.� There are a lot of moving parts to the analysis of either job action, so you would need to consult with an attorney to determine whether you have a legitimate claim and its strength.� Given the nature of the type of claim you would be pursuing, I would recommend consulting with someone who has a practice focused on employment cases instead of someone who handles employment cases as one part of their practice.� If you would like to schedule a consultation, please e-mail me at [email protected].

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Answered on 11/29/08, 10:44 am

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