Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee

Making supervisor responcuble for action

can i persue legal action against a supervisor for being vendictive, and causing termination. Can not afford legal battle against company, two previos women tried and were unsucessful, so could i persue the root of the problem, and not the whole plant.

Yes, he has assets, he owns his home, has retirement fund and home owners insurance.

Thank you for your time and patience.

Asked on 2/02/01, 2:42 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Making supervisor responcuble for action

Tennessee has two types of laws that can cover employees. The first is general tort laws that cover any type of injury to the person. These types of claims are made against the individual, but my experience is that they are not usually good claims to pursue. The second type of laws are employment laws. They allow for claims against just the employer (corporate entity) and are usually better to pursue. These types of laws do not allow for claims against individual supervisors. Depending on the exact nature of the wrongful conduct, your type of claim could be limited. Without knowing exactly what occurred and the nature and extent of any injuries you have sustained, it is impossible to provide any type of definitive answer to your inquiry. Please feel free to contact me should you have any additional questions.

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Answered on 3/19/01, 9:45 am

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