Legal Question in Employment Law in Tennessee


I am a widow and I recieved a letter saying that my late husband had invested $1100.00 in a roofers union 35 years ago...they needed all documents prooving who he was and who I am...they sent me a letter saying that I would recieve $1200 a month for the rest of my life and then talking with them they said it would be only$2800 i8s all I would be getting...I called to see when it was going to be deposited in my account and they said it had been turned over to their lawyer for it had turned into a legal matter what should I do?

Asked on 5/04/09, 6:27 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: pension

You need to gather together all of your documents related to this and sit down with an attorney. It sounds like there may be some sort of pension, but it is impossible to tell from what you have written and the dollars involved seem wrong for a pension.

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Answered on 5/05/09, 10:48 am

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