Legal Question in Criminal Law in Virginia
petit larceny
I and my friends were charged in petit larceny (shoplifting, stealing food from supermarket, first time). Policeman said that we'll get some hours of community service and will have no criminal record. Is that's true, do we need an attorney to protect our interests, or there's common procedure in that cases?
And one more question - we are foreigners, we're in USA just for summerjob. Can we apply for the US visa in the future and will this charge affect visa obtaining?
Thank you for your answer.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: petit larceny
Do not get your legal advice from policemen. Consult a lawyer experienced in immigration law.
Re: petit larceny
I concur in Mr. Stone's response. Better see a criminal defense counsel who is also knowledgeable regarding the possible implications of your pending criminal charge with respect to your current as well as future immigration status
in the United States.
Petty larceny is generally regarded by the USCIS
and ICE immigration authorities as a so-called crime involving moral turpitude(CIMT)and for which a conviction may provide a basis for having you either removed from this country or excluded from entering in the future. And, even if you receive the disposition known in the Commonwealth as Suspended Imposition of Sentence(SIS with no record of conviction)) which is what the policeman was likely referring to, it can still have the same adverse immigration consequences as the aforedescribed conviction.
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