Legal Question in Family Law in Virginia

I'm 17 and currently live with my father. My mother abandoned me at 13 in which case my dad was granted custody of me. However, because of a rocky relationship with my step mother, it has been decided that I should move out.

My question is: Is it possible for me and my father to come to an agreement that states I am financially responsible for myself; however he still wants to provide for my medical care and possibly car insurance? The reason leaving is not on my father, so it will be an amicable split, if you will, and he wants to make sure that I am able to get benefits, such as more financial aid for college, since I will be financially dependent upon myself.


Asked on 7/21/10, 6:34 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

I imagine it is possible; in theory, you two can agree to whatever you like within the bounds of the law. A signed document would evidence your agreement. Technically, he has an obligation to support you through age 18 or 19 if you are still in high school. Neither of you can waive that obligation. As a minor, you will not be able to sign a lease to rent a place or execute most other binding contracts. Good luck.

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Answered on 7/28/10, 6:21 pm

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