Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Virginia

hello im the oldest of three and my mom just passed on 4-22 2014 far as i know there is no will but there is a home left unsure if its paid for etc I wanted to know my rights and what should I do . Please help

Asked on 4/30/14, 2:09 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Paul B. Ward Law Offices of Paul B. Ward

If there was no will, you and your siblings are heirs and will inherit the home. A careful look through your mother's records, such as bank accounts, tax records, etc. should reveal whether the home is owned outright. It would be wise of the heirs to consult an attorney at least for help in where to look and what do do with what is found. There is no reason for the three of you to get at cross purposes, but that can happen, and having an attorney to assist in the process should help avoid conflict.

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Answered on 5/02/14, 5:09 am

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