Legal Question in Family Law in Washington

what are the legal rights of a married woman seeking divorce that has left her home due to abuse? Husband has taken everything including the car he gave me for christmas. During marriage nothing was ever in both names just his. What can I do to get my car back. I also have on time loss for a work related injury so my income is almost destitute.

Asked on 1/29/11, 12:11 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Amir John Showrai The Pacific Law Firm, PLLC

Try to hire local counsel to represent you in the dissolution of your marriage. They can ask for temporary spousal maintenance to help get you on your feet. Additionally, the fact that all property acquired during the marriage was in your husband's name is not dispositive. By rule, it is still presumed to be community property, meaning you each are entitled to half. The same holds true for all debts incurred by each of you, regardless of whose name is on the bill.

These presumptions can be overcome, and that is where your attorney can go through these things with you and help you straighten it out, and hopefully come to a quick settlement of your case without making it too expensive on fees.

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Answered on 2/08/11, 3:58 pm

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