Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Washington
I just had my landlords cancel my lease and they are making me move out by the end of April. I had my now ex girlfriend come and she was going to stay with me. Well it didn't work out and I ended the relationship. She didn't respond well to it and I asked her to leave. She wouldn't leave and really got angry. I told her I was going to ask the landlords to have her leave and she ended up going to their apartment which is on the premises and banging on their door. They called the police. They held me liable for the disturbance and now are making me move because of what she did. Is this legal and can they just terminate my lease because of something someone else did? I know she was at my place and I guess I am responsible. Let me know. Thanks.
1 Answer from Attorneys
I would bet that somewhere in your lease there is a clause that states that you are responsible for your actions and those of your guests or sub-tenants, for anything you or they do on the premises. Therefore, your girlfriends' actions are attributable to you. Even if the lease does not contain such a clause, the law does provide for it.
Either way, as much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news, yes, your landlord can evict you on this basis. Theoretically, you could sue your girlfriend for the loss of your lease, but I suspect that she has no money with which to compensate you, and if you were to hire an attorney to handle this, you'd spend way more money than it would ever be worth.
My best suggestion is that you perhaps let a little time go by and approach your landlord's manager to see if they'll reconsider, but in the interim, start looking for a new place ASAP.
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