Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Texas


I am preparing to order a will kit on-line. I am married and my husband has an adult daughter, however they have been estranged for years and he doesn't plan on leaving her anything in the will. Will a simple on-line will kit suffice? Or do we Have to go through a lawyer. Money is an issue right now as we are very low. But when he passes, there is life insurance, retirement, etc...

May we simply state that everything is left to one another or does that make it too easy for her to contest? Do the on-line will kits have provisions where we can say, leave her a certain amount like $25.00 so she can't contest it? Or do the courts look down on these type of on-line wills. We simply can't afford a lawyer to draw up a will.

Thanks in advance for your help!


Asked on 7/15/05, 8:10 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Lynn Shepherd Shepherd & Associates

Re: Wills


There are many pitfalls in do-it-yourself wills. As an Estate Planning/Probate lawyer I recommend at least talking to a lawyer. It sounds like you have too much to lose if you misstep in you will drafting. a contest could be very expensive for you and deplete the estate. I will give you a free consultation if you will phone me at 281-340-8560.

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Answered on 7/15/05, 9:35 am

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