Legal Question in Family Law in Virginia

How can I get a divorce for my finance, married in Virginia?

My finance and I want to get married immediately. She was married back in 1999, I believe. Her name, Paula Daugherty is now Paula Mays, married to Christopher Ryan Mays in Virginia. They have a 7 year old child, lives with father, nothing is contested. They have been separated and living separate lives for several years. This should be a fairly simple matter but I have no idea how to go about it. I just want the papers prepared, have them signed by both parties, have the marraige disolved, so that Paula and I can get married at the courthouse in Broward County, FL. Please help. [email protected]

Asked on 1/14/06, 11:54 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Fred Kaufman Fredrick S. Kaufman, Esquire

Re: How can I get a divorce for my finance, married in Virginia?

In order to complete a divorce you really should hire a Virginia lawyer to do it right. It requites a Bill of Complaint of Divorce to be filed in a Circuit Court where the parties either lived at the time of separation or where Wife or husband now live. That Complaint must be served on the other party. You must allege certain things and the other side has to have the ability to file an Answer. Depositions need to be taken of the Complaintant and one witness and either an agreement of divorce must be entered into or a hearing has to be held to settle all issues. It is not my opinion that an individual can do this sucessfully on their own. I'm not saying it's impossible just difficult and if you don't get it right it will be dismissed.

Good luck.

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Answered on 1/15/06, 7:49 am
Paul B. Ward Law Offices of Paul B. Ward

Re: How can I get a divorce for my finance, married in Virginia?

Of course, you can't get the divorce, but she can. Does she have the exact address of Mr. Mays? Has he indicated his willingness to cooperate?

The action would have to be filed in Virginia, and testimony taken here to complete the divorce; it can't be done just by paperwork. Mr. Mays could supply the testimony and the corroborating witness, if he is willing, but it will be necessary to jump through the hoops to accomplish ending the marriage. It is highly unlikely your financee could do it alone from Florida.

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Answered on 1/16/06, 12:51 pm
Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: How can I get a divorce for my finance, married in Virginia?

You say that you "want the papers prepared, have them signed by both parties, have the marriage disolved(sic), so that Paula and I can get married at the courthouse in Broward Co. Fl."

How is all of this up to you since you're not even a party to this matter? Maybe Paula's husband has other ideas and they do not include

the "quickie" type divorce operation which you obviously have in mind.

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Answered on 1/15/06, 12:28 pm

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