Legal Question in Disability Law in California
exspoungments for people over 21 and off prole
3 Answers from Attorneys
Re: felones
Dear Inquirer:
Expungements generally have no impact on the immigration consequences of the underlying conviction.
I recommend that you email or visit if you would like to schedule an appointment for a confidential consultation to discuss this matter further.
Re: felones
This matter is complex and you should not try to do it yourself so you should get an attorney to discuss your options. If you are located in Southern California, you can email me your contact info, so we can discuss your particular situation. There is no charge for consultation.
Re: felones
Expungement may be available IF there was no prison time sentenced or served, and IF the charges were not for Domestic Violence or Sex Crimes, and if all terms of probation have been successfully completed. If you think you qualify, and are serious about getting counsel to help you, feel free to contact me.