Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in California
Severe Federal Police Brutality/Misconduct
I have unsuccessfully tried many
many times over the years to find
help regarding severe federal police
brutality/misconduct. Apparently
there is very little interest (or
success) in challenging the abuses
of federal law enforcement and
after doing some research on the
matter and experiencing first hand
the attacks, lawlessness, and
criminal latitude... it's no wonder.
One top attorney with the National
Police Accountability Project
declined to accept a federal case
simply stating ''they will break you,''
and went on to say he knew of no
other willing attorney or rights
group for a case involving federal
police brutality.
Any thoughts?
Thank you
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Severe Federal Police Brutality/Misconduct
Bringing civil rights lawsuits against the police or other public entities is a thankless job. Other types of cases, for example car accidents, settle quicker; civil rights cases drag on forever -- my last one took seven years. Attorneys who bring civil rights lawsuits can be and have been retaliated against. Nobody seems to be very interested in preventing official retaliation against attorneys who bring civil rights lawsuits.
It's not clear from your question whether you are pursuing an individual grievance or a general one. The language of your question "over the years" suggests that, as to your individual case, the statute of limitations has expired.
As to general questions, it may be that future appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court may, someday, remedy some of your concerns. If I were you I would write to President-elect Obama. You might be surprised at the response you get.
Re: Severe Federal Police Brutality/Misconduct
Thoughts? Yes. "Over the years" implies your case is long dead under statute of limitations that require timely filing.
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