Legal Question in Employment Law in California

I sent an email complaint to my boss a VP and asked if I was being discriminated against because he was allowing women, (I am male) to work offsite and from home but would not allow me. The VP discussed my complaint with the women in question who then went to HR and complained I was harassing and sexiually harassing them. I had little interaction with these women for the previous 6 months during which time I received Christmas Card and exchanged Christmas gifts with them. So whatever their claim was had to be old or non-existent.

In my dismissal, the HR person also stated I said negative things about our management. I made have said something as the work atmosphere was hostile and the GM screams and cursing st everyone on a regular basis. If someone treats employees that way it would seem logical i would not be supportive.

I was termonated about 4 weeks ago after a one week suspension for investigation. My complaint to the VP wasn't even consdiered important by HR apparently although I believe this is entirely retalitory by the women named in my complaint.

I was never provided a verbal warning which as a Manager I was laways instructed to put in writing the verbal warning and the writen warning I received was on the day of suspension and the following week I was terminated.

This is apparently unfair to me, is there any recourse I may have against this employer?

Asked on 7/13/10, 3:57 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

You may have recourse. Send me an email and let me know the details and what company you work for.


Daniel Bakondi, Esq.

[email protected]


The Law Office of Daniel Bakondi, APLC

870 Market Street, Suite 1161

San Francisco CA 94102

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Answered on 7/13/10, 9:24 pm

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