Legal Question in Employment Law in California

Who can be an expert witness and if ask can you refuse? If you accept can you be compensated?

Asked on 1/29/10, 6:34 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Anyone can be an expert witness. You can refuse - but the attorneys have the power to subpoena. Yes, you should be compensated - but an expert should know their value and understand the case.

Daniel Bakondi

[email protected]


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Answered on 2/03/10, 8:10 pm
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

An expert is someone that can be qualified and certified by the court as experienced, educated and knowledgeable in their discipline, who can then offer a credible 'expert opinion' about the issues and facts in that case. A party in a lawsuit can subpoena anyone they want, other than 'experts'. An expert can not be called or compelled to testify without his agreement, and can charge anything he wants from the party calling him. Many make their living doing so.

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Answered on 2/04/10, 10:29 am

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