Legal Question in Family Law in Michigan
claiming an object after the divorce
My ex-husband left behind an old
motorcycle ,perhaps worth up to
$5,000. It was never stated in the
divorce as to who it was to go to,
it is stored on my family's property.
Could he take me to court to reclaim it, or is it considered mine to
keep or sell? There is a original title
to it, owner deceased,1955.
Is there a law that makes it possible to reclaim an object,heirloom or something considered to be of value-because you forget about it and didn't include it in the divorce agreement,
yet there is nothing in writing anywhere stating ownership, storage location or titleship?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: claiming an object after the divorce
So the title was never transferred to either you or your ex-husband?
Depending on how long it has been in your possession, it is likely deemed abandoned, assuming he never asked for it and that you did not deny him access to it, if he did ask.
Sell it. Keep the money. I know a motorcycle dealer who loves to pay cash for old bikes, so email if you're interested.