Legal Question in Family Law in Michigan
I'm told that the Judge never sees the mediator's report, yet it is addressed to the court. What is the purpose of mediation if the Judge never sees the recommendation?
Asked on 12/03/01, 2:34 pm
2 Answers from Attorneys
William Stern
William Stern, P.C.
Re: mediation
The purpose of mediation is to get the parties to resolve the case. The judge does not see the mediation report so that it does not influence the judge in the event the case proceeds to trial.
Answered on 12/03/01, 11:48 pm
John C. Talpos
Talpos & Arnold
Re: mediation
In addition to the answer provided by Mr. Stern, the judge will review the report from the mediator at the end of the trial to assist him/her in determining how to assess the costs of the trial against one of the parties. John C. Talpos (
Answered on 12/04/01, 7:22 am