Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Missouri

Paid for services not received.

Hello. Last December I paid a lady a total of $4,875.00 to process documents concerning my legal status in the U.S. She was very convincing at first, faxing back completed forms and setting up court dates, etc. However, as the court date approached, and we were scheduled to meet, she suddenly started fabricating reasons that she could not do so, but insisted that I continue to make arrangements to travel to Houston, Texas. Low and behold, the day that I was supposed to travel, she called and said that everything had been canceled and that she no longer wanted me as a client. I have tried repeatedly to contact this lady and she refuses to talk to me in any way. Do I have any rights to a refund? How do I go about filing a law suit against her? I'm sure she is still continuing to take other peoples' money on false pretenses and I would love to be able to be the one to stop her scandal. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Asked on 12/14/07, 8:23 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anthony DeWitt Bartimus, Frickleton Robertson & Gorny, PC

Re: Paid for services not received.

If this woman is a licensed attorney, you should file a complaint immediately with the Texas Bar. If this woman is NOT a licensed attorney, you should still file a complaint (for unauthorized practice) with the Texas Bar. You can find the information on the bar's website.

You should hire an attorney in Houston immediately if that is where your court case involving your legal status is. This is vital!

Good luck

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Answered on 12/17/07, 9:57 am

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