Legal Question in Business Law in New York
I have a client that owes $45,000 and they now have said that they will not be paying due to the fact that they changed their name but still operate at the same address and same personnel. My question are they still liable for their invoices ? they are located in michigan and I am in NYC.
Asked on 2/18/10, 1:38 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Allen Kaplun
Kaplun and Associates
I'm not sure what type of debt they owe you but changing their name does not relieve them from the debt. Depending on the terms and circumstances of the transaction, you may need to sue them in Michigan to recover.
If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at:
Very truly yours,
Allen Kaplun
Kaplun and Associates
405 Lexington Avenue
26th Floor
New York, New York 10174
Phone: 212-810-0023
Answered on 2/23/10, 1:44 pm
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