Legal Question in Technology Law in New York
Interent Adult Content Law
I am thinking of launching an internet adult website that charges for porn content. I don't want to break any laws so I want to know if this is legal. The adult content will NOT contain any children/minor material, it will contain strictly adult porn material. Is this legal? What needs to be considered or done to make it legal. I understand that its illegal for minors to view this content. I will provide an age checking mechanism(via Credit Card check) before the site can be entered to filter out minors under 18. Is this sufficient to render the site legal or is there other things I must do.
Any info on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Interent Adult Content Law
Having an adult site can be operated legally. You must be very careful in several areas. First, you must assure that your models are over 18. This could be verified by driver's license information. You need to protect the intellectual property and clearly indicate the terms of payment.
For end users, you should have a disclaimer system in addition to the credit card check. Remember, there is no legal requirement that a credit card holder must be over 18.